Posts tagged Andy Evansen
Plein Air Painting
Gabor SvagrikAndy Evansen, watercolor tips, watercolor study, plein air, plein air tips, watercolor course, online art course, mentoring course, art mentor, painting feedback, painting and traveling
Abstract and Representational Painting
Painting Night Scenes
Painting Rainbows
Gabor SvagrikHow to Paint Rainbows, Watercolor Tips, Free Art Blog, Free Painting Tips, Andy Evansen, Watercolor Course, Watercolor Painting, Art and Painting Tips, Step by Step, watercolor step by step
Effective Foregrounds
The Importance of Value Studies
Gabor SvagrikAndy Evansen, Watercolor study, Watercolor tips, Value studies, watercolor course, online art course, free art blog, free art tips, Landscape Painting Tips, landscape art
Incorporating Animals
Artistic Influence and Individual Style
Gabor SvagrikAndy Evansen, Watercolor artist, individual style, Watercolor tips, Free art tips, free art blog, online art course, art videos, art podcast, Free art blog
Opaque Paint and Watercolor
The Challenges of a Foreground
Celebrate Chaos!
Andy's Thoughts on Masking Fluid
Capturing Character